Friday, May 28, 2010

TechSmith Camtasia Studio 7

This new software lets you make videos of your Windows desktop. You can do everything from creating tutorials to help someone complete a task or make a video for a demonstration.

When the software is up and running a toolbar sits on your desktop this shows you the basic settings of the program and has a record button. Recording can be done in full screen, just the active screen running, or a certain resolution. Picture-in-picture is also a possible recording option all you need is an overlay of your webcam feed and people can see you talking in your video.

After you’re through with recording the video editor kicks in. It’s quite like any other video editing software. You have a library, preview and time line sections, and trimming your video is very simple so you only get the parts you want. Production values are extremely high with this software, your video will look nice and polished in the end.

Narration is also an option to add to your video after it has been completed. All you have to do is click on the Voice Narration button and speak as your video plays. You can add many more effects to the video, like new cursors or speech bubbles, so your audience gets a good feel of what your doing in the video.

The software is not on the cheap end, but its quite easy to use and your end product will come out looking polished and professional that’s why it’s a great choice.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Native Union Moshi Moshi 02 Review

This is a new handset designed like a landline phone for you to use with VoIP or a cell phone to place calls. It has excellent quality and the design is great, even though this new sleek white design does tend to pick up a little more dirt than your usual black rubber phone. The hand set is impeccably smooth and it only includes a single button just to connect your call. The audio quality is also a great perk and the usage and comfort are excellent.

This phone can only work with certain cell phones like the 3G or 3GS iPhones because it has a specific three-ring 3.5mm connection port. To use this device with your VoIP clients on your PC you will have to purchase a separate USB adaptor and cell phone users that don’t have iPhones will also have to invest in an adaptor.

The down side is that while this device is £45 plus you will have to spend extra on the adaptor so you can actually use this device. The device has a very nice and sleek design but it does lack extra features that are usually available with other USB handsets.

It supports for cell phones is quite impressive and versatile, it’s just that the use of adaptors all the time does get quite tiring. This is a must have gadget for a business person with an iPhone otherwise it is hard to imagine what other consumers would want to buy it for.